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Up Close and Personal with Colombian-American Textile Artist Dana Haim

Dana Haim is a name you need to know, and a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to luxurious and gorgeous textiles. Believe it or not,...

How Influencers are Doing Whatever it Takes to Stay Relevant

All that glitters is not gold in the influencer world. Some influencers are not influencing anyone nowadays, they are losing their power to affect...

A Case for Carbs: Your Official Colombian Baked Good Cheat Sheet

Some years ago, I visited my friend in her ethnically eclectic neighborhood of Jackson Heights, Queens, where the Indian and Pakistani produce/spice/tchotchke shops about...
Rodriguez Saldana LAT 2018 L’ATTITUDE

Curated by Robert Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, and Lin-Manuel Miranda, The LATINXT List to Be...

Leading up to the L’ATTITUDE entrepreneurial conference taking place next week in San Diego — it runs from September 26th through 29th — there’s...
Norma Torres BELatina congressional

Know Your Latina Congresswomen, Part One: The Southerners

To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re honoring the important work that each and every Latina is actively performing for the country from Congressional office.  And...
latino voter poll 2020 BeLatina

2020 Foresight: Unpacking the Power of the Latino Vote

The Latinx community is not a monolith, encompassing a plurality of cultures and experiences. But despite this reality, as a voting bloc, the numbers...
Melissa Carache Stephanie Carache Podcast Millennial Women BeLatina

Get to Know the Power Podcast of Melissa and Stephanie Carcache

Sure, the Kardashians have become a household name, but if you’re a go-getting millennial woman who thinks out of the box it’s likely you’ll...
ozuna IG Belatina Trap Music

Language Poppin’: Meet the New Crop of Bilingual Powerhouses

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or you never ever turn on the radio (or the TV, or check social media, or step...
Big Bags BeLatina

Ladies, it’s High Time to Stop Schlepping That Giant Bag Around

Have you ever taken a deep breath before lunging your purse on your shoulders? Do you feel your body slant to one side more...
Querida Familia open Letter

Open Letter to Querida Familia Latina Is an Intersectional Call for Unity and Action

Addressed to Querida Familia Latina, an open letter of solidarity was published last week in the New York Times, New York City’s El Diario,...
strength in numbers belatna

Strength in Numbers: Latino Population on the Rise, Says New Report

Latinos are finding a voice in society after decades of being overlooked by demographics. Between the 1930s and 1950s, the “Hispanic” population was reported...
Yara Travieso Profile BELatina

Meet Yara Travieso: Director, Filmmaker, Choreographer and Muse

Yara Travieso, a magical-tropicalist producer at times, once turned Downtown Miami into a swamp in the name of art. If asked at a bar...