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Recognizing The Award-Winning Latino Acting Pioneers and Latinx Nominees of Today

While we wait with bated breath to find out if Latinx nominee Yalitza Aparicio will become the first Mexican and Indigenous actress to win...

Did You Just Put Cheese in Your Hot Chocolate?…and Other Latin Culinary Super-Hacks

You don’t need a Latin abuelita (a mom, tía, or friend will suffice) trying to feed you all day to know that Latin cooking...

Meet LaJaxx: Bogota-Based Street Artist Who Isn’t Afraid to “Spread her Legs”

Art and public spaces weren’t always happy bedfellows. At the height of the last century in America, when graffiti was the sign of a...

The Narcos Dilemma: Is This Great Show Great for Our Culture?

It’s no secret that the ‘dangerous drug cartel’ is one of the most overused — if not straight up lazy — film tropes when...

17 Reasons Why John Leguizamo is the History Teacher the Whole World Needs

Is it just us, or did you used to dread history class back in your younger, school-aged days. Perhaps it’s because you were a...

Former Le Bernardin Chef Opens New SoHo-Based Latin American Restaurant: Her Name Was Carmen

Professional foodies or self-professed food-obsessed diners are familiar with Le Bernardin. It’s fancy, it’s French, it’s beautiful and it’s delicious. It was awarded three...
Isabel allende In her home Belatina

The Unstoppable and Ongoing Magic of Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende begins every book she writes on Jan. 8th. Her first novel was begun on this specific date in 1981, and even though...
Cuba Flag

Raul Castro Warily Celebrates Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution led by the late Fidel Castro, who ousted Fulgencio Batista, a brutal authoritarian leader...

SALT: Stylish Handbag Straps That Give Back To Global Artisans

Look good and do good. It’s the holy grail of fashion — finding ways to up the ante with your wardrobe, but also give...