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Meet Benji Xavier: The Latino Content Creator Who Lost 100 Lbs...

In the heart of #foodtok and #latinotok, there exists a digital storyteller whose narrative transcends the screen, reaching deep into the hearts of millions....

BELatina and UnitedHealthcare Join Forces for Latino Health

In a recent episode of BELatina, host Karent Sierra was joined by UnitedHealthcare Chief Medical Officer, Mayrene Hernandez to discuss the importance of mental...

Celebrate Your Latina Essence: Discover Self-Care Products Tailored for Our Beautiful...

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and forget about taking care of ourselves....

Do We Truly Understand Why Some Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19...

Many studies over the past two years have shown that Latino, Black, and Native American people are more likely than white people to contract,...

How to Navigate Your Baseless Guilt Without Second-Guessing Yourself

Guilt is amazingly powerful, one of the most intense emotions we can experience as human beings. The feeling of guilt can range from minimal...

How Can We Effectively Use This Time of Pause (Due to...

The world is months into quarantine in most areas. Our lives are on pause until the government can determine the timing for reopening businesses,...

Meet Dr. Divina Lopez: A Sage and Savvy Pediatrician With a...

Dr. Divina Lopez is not your run of the mill pediatrician just writing out prescriptions and yelling out “Next!” to her patients. Outside of...

How to Take Care of Yourself When You’re a Nurturer by...

Women are known to be nurturers, matriarchs in most cultures. The core of the nuclear family is responsible for maintaining a stable epicenter. The...

Meditation At Work: The Secret to a More Productive You

Our lives are a constant balancing act between home, family, work, and any other obligations that might come up during the week. Add to...

American Heart Month: Do Your Heart a Favor and Schedule Your...

Forget kale, going on vacation is even better for your health regimen. And as February is American Heart Month, we can vouch for the...

Decoding Your Dreams: 10 Common Themes and Their Meanings

Dreams have always been a topic of mystery among people — while some dreams are straightforward, some dreams are not that easy to decipher....

Diving Into Magic Mushrooms With Author Michelle Janikian: From Indigenous Central...

When you hear the term "magic mushrooms" your mind probably goes to an illicit place —you might think about illegal drugs and some possibly...