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Elizabeth Warren Student Loan Debt BeLatina

Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren Unveils Proposal for Game-Changing Student Loan Debt...

Senator Elizabeth Warren has announced her latest progressive, power-to-the-people proposal that she hopes to bring to the table as Democratic presidential candidate for next...
Cannabis Immigrant denied access

Documented Immigrants Who Work in Legal Marijuana Industry Are Being Denied U.S. Citizenship

One day before Saturday’s 4/20, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services issued guidance on how federal marijuana laws affect the path to citizenship for documented...
Green Gut Smoothie

Do People Still Drink Smoothies in 2019? Here are the Champion Blends

Smoothies have long since shed their reputation as run-of-the-mill, fruit-based, slurpable diet foods. The latest generation of smoothies uses nutrition as medicine, homing in...
Ozuna IG @ozuna

Our Favorite Latinx Leaders on Time 100’s List of Most Influential People in 2019

Time’s 100 Most Influential People spans politicians to icons to artists to pioneers in their field of work. The list precedes next week’s Time...

12 Assumptions People Make When They Learn You’re Latine

A stereotype is a preconceived notion about a group of people. It takes the experience of a few (or even many), and applies it...
Sleep Health Belatina

Don’t Hit Snooze, Don’t Just Lay There, and Whatever You Do, Don’t Get Less...

A new study conducted by NYU researchers sought to bust commonly held myths about sleep that are subjecting us to serious health risks. The...
Ohio abortion heart beat bill

Ohio is Latest State to Sign “Heartbeat” Bill Into Law, Despite Uphill Legal Battle...

Yesterday, Ohio became the sixth state in the country to pass a “heartbeat” bill that all but bans abortion in the state for women...
Taxes Bill Tax BeLatina

House Passes Bill Ensuring American Taxpayers Will Never Have a Free and Easy Tax...

Earlier this week, Congress passed a bill that makes it illegal for the Internal Revenue Service to ever develop its own online tax return...
Trump Jupiter Immigrant

More Trump Organization Employees Purged From Trump Golf Facilities Due to Their Legal Status

The New York Times published an exposé this week covering the recent purge of undocumented workers from President Trump’s National Jupiter club in Florida....
unapologetic belatina

For Once and for All, Let’s Unpack the Meaning of the Word ‘Unapologetic’

As a word, “unapologetic” has become quite ubiquitous in the past ten years. A quick Google search shows the mention of the word to...

Self Care: 11 Ways to Weave it Into Everyday Life

Most of us run around all day in go-mode, often without stopping to think about that we need to recharge and replenish. If we...
kirstjen nielsen BeLatina

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Resigns From Office, Setting the Stage for “Tougher” Successor

On Sunday, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen publicly submitted her letter of resignation over Twitter following a meeting with President Trump....